Embrace Prevention Care


Prevention is Not Easy

But Must Be Embraced

We’re changing our name to reflect what we do and what our healthcare system needs to do: Embrace Prevention Care. Prevention is both the hardest and most effective way to improve health and reduce costs. It is hard because it requires patients to take actions today that will result in possible benefits in the future. It is also hard because our system does not pay providers well to spend adequate time on prevention. We are making prevention easier with Personal Prevention CareTM to help older adults with heart failure and other chronic conditions prevent the advance of their current conditions and minimize the risk of new ones.

Making Prevention Easier for the Patient

Prevention requires that we take the right actions at the right times. For older adults with multiple chronic conditions this can become an overwhelming task.

Our local Nurse Practitioner’s sole job is to build a trusting relationship with the patient and then help the patient take the most important actions that are going to keep them healthy and allow them to achieve what matters most to them. This is done through frequent telehealth calls to provide compassion, guidance, encouragement and accountability.

Prevention requires consistent engagement to turn tasks into good habits that make prevention automatic.

Making Prevention Easier for the Primary Care Physician

Our healthcare system is slowly changing from a fee-for-service system to a value-based care system.

In fee-for-service systems, physicians primarily get rewarded by treating more sick people. There are limited payments to spend much time on preventive care. In a value-based system, physicians get rewarded to keep people healthy, rather than paying for treating more sick people. In this system, more time can be spent on preventive care.

Embrace’s Personal Prevention Care can work effectively in both systems. However, it helps fee-for-service physicians the most by allowing them to supervise our Nurse Practitioners to do the day-to-day prevention care that they do not get paid well for, and only get involved at key times when an intervention is needed to help the patient change a poor trend.

This allows the physician to deliver continuous preventive care support with Medicare paying the cost. The physician can provide better patient care and increase revenues without any new investment in staff or systems.

How Can You Embrace Prevention Care?

It starts with someone believing that better health is possible and taking an action. Whether you are an older adult with chronic conditions, a family caregiver, a physician or a payor, please contact as and we will help you embrace prevention care, improve health and achieve what matters most.

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