COVID-19 Continues to Impact Seniors
Don’t return to normal behaviors yet
COVID-19 continues to kill worldwide. One of the key themes that doesn’t make headlines is that the majority of deaths are seniors. Here in the United States, the CDC reports that 80% of COVID-19 deaths are of those 65 or older.
Although infection rates are decreasing in many areas, seniors still face high risks. In order to help, Carefree is publishing localized infection data so that seniors can make informed decisions.
Seniors pay a heavy price.
There are a number of reasons why the death toll is high in seniors, but most Americans ignore this carnage among the elderly. Consider this for perspective:
If one third this many deaths were in the 0-20 age group, Americans would demand action
If one third this many deaths were in the 0 to 20 age group, Americans would demand action.
The news is particularly grim for those seniors who have existing health complications and gets worse. Each additional problem increases the risk of dying from contracting the disease. These at-risk seniors are the most susceptible to infection, and in the event that they contract COVID-19 have the worst odds of surviving infection.
That’s why it is more important now than ever for seniors to remain healthy. And so, we’ve decided to help and we want you to join us.
If not us, who?
As we build a health care company focused on keeping America’s sickest seniors out of the hospital, and simultaneously care for our aging parents, we watch this escalating toll with horror.
Every day, the Carefree team focuses on how we can help the most vulnerable seniors stay out of the hospital and in their homes. That challenge has only gotten more important in the midst of the worldwide pandemic.
We’ve decided that providing information on how to keep seniors safe in this crisis is a core part of our mission. To do this, we’re providing senior focused resources that will help seniors and those who love them take action.
We believe that taking action to keep seniors safe is the most important thing that all of us can do right now. A simple easy to remember saying provides direction: Help, Prevent, Monitor.
Help, prevent and monitor.
COVID-19 hits seniors hard. Preventing them from contracting the disease is the most important way to keep them safe.
Join us by doing the following today:
All seniors should ask for assistance as appropriate. Healthcare professionals will provide specific actions to follow to stay healthy. Equally as important, seniors should ask friends and family to assist.
Those who love seniors should volunteer to help too. Even something as simple as regular check-ins with those at-risk provides them with support during these challenging times.
Because the risks are so high for seniors, preventing exposure is paramount. The most effective way to prevent exposure is to minimize social interactions. If forced to go out, mask and glove and observe physical distancing.
This disease strikes hard and fast. Seniors should watch for flu-like symptoms. Monitoring key health indicators on a regular basis helps in early recognition of the onset of disease.
Seniors remain at risk.
While the press reports on the easing of restrictions around the country, what the situations means for individuals at-risk is less clear.
There is no countrywide ‘average’ for the disease. Some areas present low risk, and others nearby are hotspots. As important, historical case numbers are less informative that the number of currently active COVID-19 infections.
That is why we’re committed to providing timely senior-focused information on active infections at a local level, so that they can make risk decisions based upon the best possible information.
The CARE Score reports COVID-19 infection risk at the local level
What may be safe and appropriate for an individual at low risk of having a serious infection may not be for those at-risk. That is why we’re publishing current local data to help seniors assess the risk they face in their neighborhoods.
The Coronavirus AREa (CARE) Score tracks and reports current COVID-19 infection risk per 100,000 in population at a local level. This timely information helps seniors assess the risk they face in their own communities.
Even though the best medical advice is for at-risk individuals to continue to shelter in place, total cessation of normal behaviors is impossible. By providing accurate and timely localized infection data, individuals can more accurately assess the risks they face and how they change over time.
Some Examples
If a shopping trip is required, a review of nearby towns may indicate that one town should be avoided because infections are increasing.
If new infections have been at low levels for multiple weeks, perhaps a visit to a friend’s home can be justified.
If infection rates are high in the town where grand children live, a visit should be avoided.
Continued vigilance is required.
These are perilous times for all, but seniors and other at-risk individuals need to be extra vigilant and remain protected. National and even statewide infection risks don’t tell the whole story.
Only by assessing the latest statistics on the local risks provided by the CARE Score can each of us accurately assess our own situations and behaviors.