Carefree releases CARE Score
ANDOVER, Mass. – June 22, 2020 – Today, Carefree Chronic Care released the Coronavirus Area (CARE) Score that analyzes current COVID-19 infections in the local population for every town in Massachusetts.
Updated weekly with data from the MA Department of Public Health, the CARE Score provides trending information on new COVID-19 cases over the most recent two weeks for each town. The numbers are then adjusted for population to allow comparison between towns.
David Dlesk, CEO of Carefree said, “As towns and cities in the U.S. begin to re-open, the potential for COVID-19 infection varies dramatically from place to place. The CARE Score allows at-risk seniors to understand and compare the rate of COVID-19 activity in their town and nearby communities to make better decisions – everything from where they shop to where they get a haircut.”
Of the more than 7,800 COVID-19 deaths in Massachusetts, 95% have been seniors, people over 60. The CDC continues to advise at-risk seniors to take precautions to protect themselves from infection.
To get the latest COVID-19 CARE Score for your town, go to: www.carefreechroniccare.com/saveseniorlives
About Carefree
Carefree Chronic Care is a MA based healthcare startup that focuses on improving the health of 40 million seniors with chronic conditions to keep them out of the hospital. Carefree’s Coached Self-Care™ provides regular interactions with a nurse-coach, pharmacy services, and remote monitoring of key health indicators to help seniors follow a personalized care plan to stay hospital-free.
Because COVID-19 is dramatically impacting our patient population, we realized that we needed to help. The Save Senior Lives webpage is a public service that provides senior-focused resources to help at-risk individuals protect themselves.
Marty Agather
Carefree Chronic Care